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Volunteers make it possible for hardworking farmworker families to have access to fresh food.
These are a few ways you can help.
Produce Pickup & Delivery
To achieve our mission of addressing food insecurity among Immokalee’s farmworker community, Cultivate Abundance is involved with harvesting and/or collecting produce from partner gardens in SW Florida for distribution. We need volunteers to assist with harvesting as needed and/or collecting and delivering donated produce to Immokalee.
Seed Saving & Plant Propagation
Cultivate Abundance is involved with growing diverse and appropriate types of produce and actively engaged in seed saving. We are looking for volunteers who are experienced or interested in seed saving and able to engage at the Misión Peniel Garden (Immokalee) at least once a week for a few hours.
Garden Maintenance
Cultivate Abundance is actively looking for volunteers who can help plant, tend, and harvest fruits and vegetables at the Misión Peniel Garden (Immokalee) on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
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